Wednesday, March 28, 2012


So we actually got productive yesterday and put up our bedroom wallpaper. Its only been about 347 years since I first said we were going to put it up, but life got in the way.

If you want to check out where we got our temporary wallpaper go check it out here. For new customers, you can get $5 off your first order with the coupon code NEWCUSTOMER.

As you walk in, this is what you see!

The whole wall is done!

Rosie laying on Daddy's pillows.

The two most amazing pups in the world!

The only things left to do right now include making our headboard, having our bed arrive (TOMORROW!!) and getting some art on the wall to break up all the color. I absolutely love this wallpaper, but since the walls in this apartments are not square in any sense of the word, there are some imperfections. Luckily they will be covered by nightstands, a headboard, and some art. As long as I can't see them on an everyday basis I will be fine.

Well the rest of today will be filled with final loads of laundry and making sure that there is plenty of room for all 6 crates worth of moving boxes. Hopefully I will be able to get some decent pictures to show you guys just how much stuff we actually have compared to the bare minimum amount of stuff we are living with now. Like real plates and cups, an actual dining room table and chairs, and an actual bed for us and the pups instead of an air mattress for us and travel carriers for them. I will keep you all updated on the unpacking process and I will be hosting my beautiful friend Ariel hopefully in the next couple of days so keep an eye out for that.

So until next time - Toodles!

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